Cat Adams, University of California, Berkeley
JGI’s Klatu Chills at the North American Freezer Challenge
Tracking the Viral Parasites of Giant Viruses over Time
Liverwort Genes and Land Plant Evolution
A Technique for Targeted Improvement
Benchmarking Computational Methods for Metagenomes
2018 DOE JGI Community Science Program Allocations Announced
From Genome to Watershed Scales
Microbial Functions at Soil-Aquatic Interfaces
47-55 percent of the terrestrial carbon is transported and processed in rivers. Terrestrial carbon is generally considered to be resistant to aquatic microbial metabolism. However, recent evidence suggests that at soil-aquatic interfaces terrestrial carbon can be respired by aquatic microorganism at the cost of low carbon use efficiency thus contributing to CO2-fluxes to the atmosphere…. [Read More]