Each year, the JGI accepts proposals for state-of-the-art functional genomics research from reseachers who translate genomic information into biological function. Through our CSP Functional Genomics call, we look for projects that will leverage the JGI’s DNA synthesis and omics capabilities to enhance understanding of gene and genome function. [Read More]
By studying the structure and function of a cyanobacterial protein, researchers have new insights into how these ocean photosynthesizers cycle carbon in changing conditions. [Read More]
Microbial ecologist and JGI user Trina McMahon has been sampling microbes for over 20 years; the metagenomes from this sample set was the largest project the JGI had ever put together. [Read More]
Congratulations to the 2023 Highly Cited Researchers from the JGI recognized for their “significant influence in their chosen field or fields through the publication of multiple highly cited papers during the last decade” by Clarivate Analytics. [Read More]