Seeding a salty agricultural future
A Glimpse into Nature’s Looking Glass—To Find the Genetic Code is Reassigned
Defining function from “genomic dark matter”
Single species reveals a myriad of genomic variations
Salt Needed: Tolerance Lessons from a Dead Sea Fungus
A recipe for amplifying genomes cell by cell
#JGInPoetry – Genomics in Verse
Going deep to improve maize transcriptome
Prochlorococcus “genomic backbones” study in The Scientist
“Some of us did not believe that microbes are infinitely diverse,” despite a prevailing assumption, said Steve Giovannoni, who studies bacterioplankton at Oregon State University and who was not involved in the study. “That very high diversity is channeled into patterns, and we’re starting to see what those patterns look like.” Read the full story in… [Read More]