DOE Joint Genome Institute
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Science Highlights
An Inside Look at How Plants and Mycorrhizal Fungi Cooperate
Researchers looked at plant-fungi interactions in one of the first cross-kingdom spatially-resolved transcriptomics studies to date.
Eelgrass proves to be much younger than we thought
Scientists have shed light on both when and how eelgrass adapted and evolved throughout its history. Knowing more about how eelgrass evolved can help inform conservation efforts for at-risk populations.
New Research Finds Flagella in the Terrestrial Roots of Marine Bacteria
Scientists have discovered flagella in an unexpected place: hot spring-dwelling bacteria. Research shows that flagella were lost in other forms of Chloroflexota that adapted to marine environments hundreds of millions of years ago
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A Complex Confection Decoded: Sugarcane Reference Genome
Sugarcane was the last major crop without a reference quality genome. Now crop researchers can work toward advancing sugarcane biotechnology.
Getting to the Bottom of Fungal Functions Across Earth’s Forests
Across four forests, researchers have leveraged data from the 1000 Fungal Genomes project to form new connections between fungal guilds, genes and function.
Genome Insider: Methane Makers in Yosemite’s Lakes
Meet researchers who sampled the microbial communities living in the mountaintop lakes of the Sierra Nevada mountains to see how climate change affects freshwater ecosystems, and how those ecosystems work.
Data & Tools
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LISTEN: Adopt a Genome Program
Undergraduates "adopt" genomes that the JGI sequenced, but never published in the literature. They analyze the genomes, write reports, and publish first-author papers, making the data available for future research.
The Megadata of Lake Mendota
How software and supercomputing capabilities have evolved to enable large-scale analysis: The story of a massive metagenome assembly for a time-series experiment from the highly-studied Lake Mendota.
LISTEN: Natural Prodcast on the SMC
Check out the JGI Secondary Metabolism Collaboratory (SMC), a new data portal for natural product biosynthetic gene clusters and meet Prodcast cohost Jackie Winter.
User Programs
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FY25 Awardees for Community Science Program Annual Call
Prooposals from 18 researchers were selected for the 2025 JGI Community Science Program Annual Large Scale Call. Eight of the researchers have never been involved in a JGI proposal. Three are previous collaborators, though have never served as a principal investigator.
Pinning Down a Piece of Photosynthesis
By studying the structure and function of a cyanobacterial protein, researchers have new insights into how these ocean photosynthesizers cycle carbon in changing conditions.
Genome Insider: What Happens To a Rainforest When You Dial Up Drought?
Rainforests store a big fraction of all the carbon on Earth. Through the FICUS program, researchers take a look at what happens to that storage when a rainforest hits a drought.
News & Publications
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Accessing An Abundance of Knowledge
A pilot summer internship enabled by the DOE RENEW initiative brought two Alabama A&M University students to the JGI for research training experience.
Genome Insider: Gotta Catch 'Em Gall
To find new ways of engineering plants, researchers study wasps that program oak trees to raise their young in structures called galls.
A Decade On: The JGI-UC Merced Genomics Internship Program
What started with 2 interns in the summer of 2014 has grown to 75 student alumni. Mentors, students and others gathered to reflect on the benefits of this partnership.
All JGI Features
September 29, 2019
570 Phakopsora SEM