Comparative Genomics of a Plant-Pathogenic Fungus, Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, Reveals Transduplication and the Impact of Repeat Elements on Pathogenicity and Population Divergence
Bioinformatics Analysis Tools for Studying Microbiomes at the DOE Joint Genome Institute
Genome‐wide scans of selection highlight the impact of biotic and abiotic constraints in natural populations of the model grass Brachypodium distachyon
Community proteogenomics reveals the systemic impact of phosphorus availability on microbial functions in tropical soil
Automated annotation of scientific texts for ML-based keyphrase extraction and validation
Transposable Elements versus the Fungal Genome: Impact on Whole-Genome Architecture and Transcriptional Profiles
MicroSyn: A user friendly tool for detection of microsynteny in a gene family
The DOE-JGI Standard Operating Procedure for the Annotations of Microbial Genomes
Impact of single-cell genomics and metagenomics on the emerging view of extremophile “microbial dark matter”
The United States of America and Scientific Research
Impact of library preparation protocols and template quantity on the metagenomic reconstruction of a mock microbial community
The Biota Project: A Case Study of a Multimedia, Grassroots Approach to Scientific Communication for Engaging Diverse Audiences.