Web of microbes (WoM): a curated microbial exometabolomics database for linking chemistry and microbes
Systematic Identification of Gene Families for Use as “Markers” for Phylogenetic and Phylogeny-Driven Ecological Studies of Bacteria and Archaea and Their Major Subgroups
JGI@25: Mapping Switchgrass Traits with Common Gardens
Computationally Classifying Fungal Lifestyles
A Redesign for Yeast’s Genome, Chromosome by Chromosome
JGIota: Looking Back at Sequencing for Soybeans
Overview of the Genomes OnLine Database (GOLD)
Experimenting with EcoFABs for Student Labs - Jill Bouchard & Ying Wang
Work With the JGI! Tips for a Winning CSP Proposal
Cultivating Symbiotic Antarctic Microbes
Access to Rock Star Scientists
From Berkeley to Binghamton: Tracking Strawberry Evolution