Mr. Schmutz’s involvement with the DOE Joint Genome Institute dates back to 1997, when he was working for the Stanford Human Genome Center, now the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology. There he constructed the pipelines for directed finishing and co-led the team that finished the DOE human chromosomes 5, 16, and 19. Following the completion of the human genome project in 2003, he developed sequencing, assembly, and improvement strategies for de novo sequencing of eukaryotic organisms from simple yeasts to large vertebrate genomes.
For the past 13 years, Mr. Schmutz has directed the JGI Plant Program, focusing on the organization of community driven science for JGI Plant Flagship Genomes and DOE relevant cellulosic feedstocks. Schmutz provides scientific project management for the reference eukaryotic genomes produced by the DOE Joint Genome Institute and the collaborative projects funded through the CSP program. In addition to continuing to develop strategies for plant genome sequencing, he manages the de novo plant assembly and the post-genome computational analysis at HudsonAlpha.

Jeremy Schmutz is the Plant Science Program Head at the JGI. Click to learn more about the program's areas of focus, major initiatives and more.