Director's Perspective
In 2021, several researchers and staff supporting the JGI user community were recognized by multiple organizations.
Science Highlights

Impact: By the Numbers

Spending Profile

Users on the Global Map

Region | Count | Region | Count | Region | Count |
North America | 1,541 | Europe | 451 | Asia | 90 |
United States | 1,444 | Denmark | 11 | Japan | 19 |
Canada | 92 | Estonia | 2 | China | 36 |
Mexico | 5 | Finland | 13 | India | 13 |
France | 55 | Israel | 9 | ||
Germany | 95 | Malaysia | 1 | ||
South America | 28 | Greece | 3 | Singapore | 3 |
Argentina | 1 | Hungary | 11 | South Korea | 5 |
Brazil | 20 | Iceland | 1 | Taiwan | 2 |
Chile | 1 | Ireland | 3 | Vietnam | 1 |
Colombia | 2 | Italy | 31 | ||
Uruguay | 4 | Netherlands | 26 | Australia & New Zealand | 58 |
Norway | 22 | Australia | 47 | ||
Poland | 3 | New Zealand | 11 | ||
Portugal | 8 | ||||
Russia | 5 | ||||
Serbia | 2 | Africa | 12 | ||
Slovenia | 2 | Morocco | 2 | ||
Spain | 40 | Nigeria | 1 | ||
Sweden | 19 | ||||
Switzerland | 11 | ||||
Turkey | 1 | ||||
United Kingdom | 56 |
Users on the U.S. Map

Cumulative Number of Projects Completed
Cumulative Number of Scientific Publications

Sequencing Output
(in billions of base pairs)
The JGI supports short- and long-read sequencers, where a read refers to a sequence of DNA bases. Short-read sequencers produce billions of pared-end 150 basepair reads used for quantification, such as in gene expression analysis. Long-read sequencers currently average 60,000–70,000 bp reads and are used for de novo genome assembly. Combined short-read and long-read totals per year give the JGI's annual sequence output. The total sequence output in 2021 was 467,195 GB.

Users Letters of Intent/Proposals Submitted & Approved

Computational Infrastructure

The JGI has generated petabytes of high-quality sequence data and analysis; rapid and smooth access to the public datasets by the research community is enabled by high-performance computing resources and infrastructure. In this image, NERSC engineer James Botts studies a computer system cluster.
Users of JGI Tools & Data
The Genome Portal provides unified access to all JGI genomic databases and analytical tools. A user can search, download and explore multiple data sets available for all JGI sequencing projects including their status, assemblies, and annotations of sequenced genomes. Launched in FY2021, the Data Portal allows JGI users to more easily access public data sets through a common set of metadata across the files that are submitted by each scientific program. The Genome Portal will be retired once the same features are available on Data Portal.
- JGI Archive and Metadata Organizer (JAMO): 1,010 million file records
- JAMO Archived Data Footprint: 11.683 Petabytes (PB)
- Data Downloads in FY21: 4.201 million files; 1.646 PB
Photography and cinemagraphs by Thor Swift, Berkeley Lab. Design by Creative Services, IT Division, Berkeley Lab.