Large‐scale maps of variable infection efficiencies in aquatic Bacteroidetes phage‐host model systems
Large-scale contamination of microbial isolate genomes by Illumina PhiX control
Microbiome Engineering: Synthetic Biology of Plant-Associated Microbiomes in Sustainable Agriculture
The GC-Rich Mitochondrial and Plastid Genomes of the Green Alga Coccomyxa Give Insight into the Evolution of Organelle DNA Nucleotide Landscape
Symbiodinium Transcriptomes: Genome Insights into the Dinoflagellate Symbionts of Reef-Building Corals
Conservative taxonomy and quality assessment of giant virus genomes with GVClass
Genomics and Transcriptomics Analyses of the Oil-Accumulating Basidiomycete Yeast Trichosporon oleaginosus: Insights into Substrate Utilization and Alternative Evolutionary Trajectories of Fungal Mating Systems
IMG/VR v.2.0: an integrated data management and analysis system for cultivated and environmental viral genomes
Evolutionary transition to the ectomycorrhizal habit in the genomes of a hyperdiverse lineage of mushroom‐forming fungi
Unusual biology across a group comprising more than 15% of domain Bacteria
Green Evolution and Dynamic Adaptations Revealed by Genomes of the Marine Picoeukaryotes Micromonas
Sequencing of Genomes from Environmental Single Cells