Guiding Principles

All staff members of the US Department of Energy (DOE) Joint Genome Institute (JGI) commit to Lawrence Berkeley National Lab’s (Berkeley Lab’s) core values, which guide the relationships we nurture in our workplace and seek to establish with our stakeholders. In working toward a shared vision with members of the JGI advisory committees, we welcome and encourage openness, candor, transparency, and creativity framed by a positive, constructive and professional mindset, so that together we can foster a respectful, collaborative environment free of harassment.

To uphold Berkeley Lab’s enduring 90-year legacy of team science—bringing science solutions to the world—and to effectively fulfill the JGI’s mission, we recognize success is dependent on earning the trust of our stakeholders. These stakeholders range from scientists to members of the public whose tax dollars support our continuing contributions to advancing the research ecosystem. Their trust hinges on sustaining our record of excellence and respect, and for principles of integrity, safety and reliability. As members of a JGI advisory committee, you serve as ambassadors for the JGI guided by these Stewardship principles referred to above.

Rules of conduct

Members of the advisory committees serve as ambassadors and role models for the community, demonstrating the highest standards of ethical conduct guided by the JGI and Berkeley Lab core principles. By accepting a nomination to serve on a JGI advisory committee, you agree to adhere to the following rules for the duration of your service:

  • Be engaged and responsive;
  • Behave with respect and civility in all discussions and debate;
  • Make decisions based on merit of issues;
  • Act honestly, transparently, and ethically;
  • Act on behalf of the JGI user community rather than personal agendas;
  • Treat all other community members with respect and dignity, in accordance with Berkeley Lab’s Discrimination and ​Harassment​ policies and practices​​;
  • Disclose possible conflicts of interest to the JGI Leadership Team (JLT) that may compromise your ability to serve at your best as an advisory committee member;
  • Apprise the JLT of any accusations of professional misconduct or abuse of privileged positions in which the advisor has been implicated that may affect your ability to best serve JGI and the community;
  • Treat other advisory committee members and JGI staff with respect and consideration, valuing a diversity of views and opinions;
  • Exercise tolerance for diverse ideas and a commitment to free inquiry based on evidence and criticism;
  • Respect the confidentiality of the advisory committee and JLT members’ opinions;
  • Proactively reach out to a member of the JLT when JGI-related issues arise that cause you concern, preferably prior to airing your concerns publicly (e.g., in response to media requests, through social media channels);
  • Coordinate messaging with the JLT, when speaking publicly about JGI or on behalf of the JGI.

We stand stronger in partnership with you in support of team science and service for the good of humanity.


The JGI Leadership Team: