Chief Informatics Officer
Kjiersten Fagnan began working with JGI in 2012 as a NERSC bioinformatics computing consultant, after completing a petascale postdoctoral fellowship at NERSC and LBNL’s Computational Research Division.. As a postdoc, her research focused on stable and accurate computational methods for reacting subsurface flows, and evolved into scalable methods for scientific data analysis. In 2014 Dr. Fagnan became the JGI-NERSC Engagement Lead with a focus on adapting JGI workloads to run on supercomputing hardware and worked closely with staff to understand the data-intensive nature of JGI workloads. Dr. Fagnan was appointed CIO of the JGI in 2016, and in 2018 was hired to be the JGI’s Data Science and Informatics department head. In 2018, Dr. Fagnan was part of the Gordon Bell prize winning team at the Supercomputing conference, SC’18, led by researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Dr. Fagnan has been the Distinguished Speaker at IBM Research in Almaden where she presented work related to distributed data and workflow management. Dr. Fagnan is also a co-PI for the National Microbiome Data Collaborative where she leads infrastructure and user-centered design efforts.