Content Tagged "IMG"
Student tools for hands-on genomics and bioinformatics lessons
Cheryl Kerfeld on IMG-ACT in The Scientist
“Bioinformatics has become such an integral part of research. And being able to do this, to use these tools in an informed way and in a way that’s somewhat discerning . . . is really important,” explains Cheryl Kerfeld, director of the Genomics and Bioinformatics Education Program at the Department of Energy’s Joint Genome… [Read More]
IMG v4 announcement in GenomeWeb
The Department of Energy’s Joint Genome Institute has released a fourth version of the Integrated Microbial Genomes system, which serves as a community resource for analyzing and annotating genome and metagenome datasets….IMG currently contains 11,753 total genomes, plasmids and genome fragments; 2,075 metagenome samples; and 2,372 genomes and 804 metagenome samples in IMG/ER and IMG/M-ER,… [Read More]
GEBA Gets More Cellulase
DOE JGI’s IMG/M data system in Berkeley Lab’s release on the Human Microbiome Project
Berkeley Lab’s role in mapping the human microbiome revolves around big data, both analyzing it and making it available for scientists to use worldwide…. Berkeley Lab scientists developed and maintain a comparative analysis system called the Integrated Microbial Genomes and Metagenomes for the Human Microbiome Project (IMG/M HMP). It allows scientists to study the human microbiome… [Read More]
Comparative genomics method to tag novel nitrogen-fixation genes
Bioinformatics challenges for metagenomic analyses
There are more microbes in, on and around the planet than there are stars in the sky. However, the vast majority of these microorganisms have not yet been studied, in part because many of them do not thrive when moved out of their natural environment. A spoonful of soil contains a complex and diverse microbial… [Read More]
New tools for the IMG/M analysis system
A metagenomic approach to analyzing rice endophytes
During the call for 2012 proposals for the DOE JGI’s Community Sequencing Program, one of the areas of focus researchers were asked to consider was that of plant-microbe interactions. Microbes that live in plants or in the rhizosphere where plant roots and soil interact can play crucial roles in plant health. This is of particular… [Read More]