Through the JGI-UC Merced Genomics Internship, graduate students Candace Cole, Mo Kaze, Akshay Paropkari, Vicente Ramirez and Rhondene Wint had summer 2018 internships in Walnut Creek. The students’ research culminated in presentations on their work delivered during the 5th anniversary celebration of the internship program.

person working in a lab with lab gearCandace Cole, UC Merced

JGI Mentors: Ben Cole & Axel Visel, Genomics of Plant-Microbial Interactions

“The summer internship has further confirmed by desire to pursue a STEM career, specifically in a government lab. My favorite thing is the mentorship provided by JGI. Everyone at JGI is so nice and helpful.”



intern working at a desk with a computer and a paperMo Kaze, UC Merced

JGI Mentor: Susannah Tringe, Microbial Systems Group

“Everyone here is very kind and really open to talking about their work. It’s fun to be around people who are generous with their time and like nerding out about the big stuff, well, the little stuff! People hold office hours and you can pop in and ask them questions about all kinds of topics. It’s amazing to have access to rock star scientists who have done the groundbreaking work you’ve been reading about for years! And you can ask them about it! And they’re super nice!”

inter looking away from a desktop computer with hands shruggingAkshay Paropkari, UC Merced

JGI Mentors: Tanja Woyke & Jessica Jarett, Single Cells Group

“My experience at JGI has exposed me to the wonderful work all scientists do here. It is motivating to be surrounded by passionate scientists working on interdisciplinary projects. I feel inspired to pursue a career in STEM. Everyone is so happy to know you and provide all resources to excel in your project.”



person sitting at a desk smiling for a camera shotVicente Ramirez, UC Merced

JGI Mentor: Albert Wu, Eukaryote Genomics

“This summer internship has broadened my skills and understandings in the field of genomics. This has reinforced my goal to pursue a career in STEM. I have not had one bad experience since stepping onto the JGI. Everyone here is so nice and willing to help. The second is the training that I am receiving. The mentorship I am receiving at JGI is giving me training that I am sure will benefit me for my entire career.”

person sitting at a computerRhondene Wint, UC Merced

JGI Mentors: Igor Grigoriev & Asaf Salamov, Fungal Program

“Working at the JGI has reinforced my plans to pursue a STEM career. I can see myself working at a national laboratory. My favorite things about working here have been the genial staff, helpfulness and patience of my JGI PIs, having lots of data to play around with.”

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