Crops as Tough as World Cup Turf
Prokaryote Program User Advisory Committee
Fungal & Algal Program User Advisory Committee
Informatics Advisory Committee
THE Bioenergy Tree
Pinning Down a Piece of Photosynthesis
Making a Lichen Together
Crystal structure of the FRP and identification of the active site for modulation of OCP-mediated photoprotection in cyanobacteria
Simple and Rapid Site-Specific Integration of Multiple Heterologous DNAs into the Escherichia coli Chromosome
Active Site and Laminarin Binding in Glycoside Hydrolase Family 55*
Re-evaluating the Systematics of Dendrolycopodium Using Restriction-Site Associated DNA-Sequencing
Does time matter? Intraspecific diversity of ribosomal RNA genes in lineages of the allopolyploid model grass Brachypodium hybridum with different evolutionary ages