About the call
The Community Science Program Large Scale Call is focused on genomic science projects that address sustainable biofuel and bioproducts production, leveraging systems-based approaches to unravel functional capabilities of plants, microbes and microbial communities, global carbon and nutrient cycling, and biogeochemistry — questions of relevance to DOE’s Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) missions.
While applications will be accepted that address any aspect of these mission areas, priority will be given to projects that address the areas of special emphasis that are listed in the call and leverage the diversity of JGI technical and analytical capabilities. All proposals will be externally peer-reviewed for scientific merit, DOE mission relevance, proposed data usage by the applicant/community, and track record of the applicant.
For accepted proposals, sequencing, synthesis, metabolomics and analysis will be paid for by the Department of Energy’s funding of the JGI. There is no cost to the user and no granting of funds.
FY26 Call (OPEN)
Click for the downloadable pdfAdditional Resources
Who to Contact
For general questions, please reach out to Christa Pennacchio, Project Management Office. For questions about the appropriateness of projects or experimental design, please contact Tanja Woyke, Deputy for User Programs. Technical and Scientific Leads will also be available to answer any questions prior to proposal submission.