About the call
The Facilities Integrating Collaborations for User Science (FICUS) call represents a unique opportunity for researchers to request the capabilities and expertise of multiple DOE National User Facilities in one research proposal.
Successful applications will focus on high-risk/high-payoff proposals within the focused topic areas that can be completed on an accelerated timeline as compared with the standard CSP projects. In addition, they must utilize a broad range of the capabilities across at least two of the facilities, and generate datasets beyond what each of these facilities could generate by itself.
Accepted projects must address or be otherwise mission-aligned, but proof of concept for the demonstration of a technology that would be applicable to DOE mission is appropriate.
For accepted proposals, sequencing, synthesis, metabolomics and analysis will be paid for by the Department of Energy’s funding of the JGI. There is no cost to the user and no granting of funds.
All data is made publicly available in accordance with JGI’s Data Policy. In cases where the JGI provides customized analysis, the JGI also participates in publication of results.
FY26 Call (OPEN)
View a downloadable pdfAdditional Resources
FICUS Webinars
The FICUS partner labs have collaborated on several webinars describing the capabilities offered as part of this call:
Shining a Light: Advanced Photon Source Capabilities for FICUS Research describes the resources available from all the facilities participating in the FY25 call, introduces the resources available from the Advanced Photon Source, and contains useful tips for submitting a successful proposal.
The FY23 FICUS Open Call for Proposals describes the resources available from all the facilities participating in the FY23 call, introduces the Eco-FAB resource, and contains useful tips for submitting a successful proposal.
Accessing Resources at Multiple DOE User Facilities with a Single Proposal describes the resources available from the JGI and EMSL, and useful tips for submitting a successful proposal.
Introducing the Bio-SANS Capability highlights the science that can be done with the Biological Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (Bio-SANS) instrument available at Oak Ridge National Laboratory Center for Structural Molecular Biology.
Accessing NEON’s Environmental Sample Archives, Applying JGI and EMSL Omics Tools introduces the NEON resource, a network of field research sites designed to collect long-term open access ecological data. Through FICUS, NEON will provide access to its biorepository at Arizona State University, which contains representative samples of the spatial, temporal, taxonomic (environmental, microbial, plants, invertebrate, and vertebrate), and thematic scope of NEON sampling.
SIP Technologies at EMSL and JGI provides background on the various isotope-related technologies available at JGI and EMSL such as DNA-SIP, Protein SIP, Flux Balance analysis with metabolites, Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry, NanoSIMS, and other techniques.
Who to Contact
For general questions, please reach out to Christa Pennacchio, Project Management Office. For questions about the appropriateness of projects or experimental design, please contact Tanja Woyke, Deputy for User Programs. Technical and Scientific Leads will also be available to answer any questions prior to proposal submission.