The Paleozoic Origin of Enzymatic Lignin Decomposition Reconstructed from 31 Fungal Genomes
Conservative taxonomy and quality assessment of giant virus genomes with GVClass
IMG/M v.5.0: an integrated data management and comparative analysis system for microbial genomes and microbiomes
The Genomes On Line Database (GOLD) in 2009: status of genomic and metagenomic projects and their associated metadata
The diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus: A model alga to understand cold‐adapted life
Sequencing the Genomes of the First Terrestrial Fungal Lineages: What Have We Learned?
Horizontal Transfer of Entire Genomes via Mitochondrial Fusion in the Angiosperm Amborella
Analysis of 1,000 Type-Strain Genomes Improves Taxonomic Classification of Bacteroidetes
CheckV assesses the quality and completeness of metagenome-assembled viral genomes
Thousands of small, novel genes predicted in global phage genomes
Analysis of Brachypodium genomes with genome-wide optical maps
Discovery of Novel Plant Interaction Determinants from the Genomes of 163 Root Nodule Bacteria