Name | Institution | Proposal Title |
Ahern, Olivia | Marine Biological Laboratory | Linking genes to models: Unraveling microbial food web connectivity through multi-substrate RNA stable isotope probing, omics, and metabolic models |
Corrales, Adriana | Society for the Protection of Underground Networks | Ectomycorrhizal functioning in under-explored ecosystems: using fungal genomes and soil metatranscriptomes to discover new mycorrhizal connections with nutrient cycling and climate stress in tropical and Mediterranean biomes |
Cross, Hugh | National Ecological Observatory Network | Continental-scale metagenomics: leveraging the NSF National Ecological Observatory Network to advance understanding of terrestrial and aquatic microbial communities in response to land use and climate change |
DeMarche, Megan | University of Georgia | A canary-in-the-coal-mine for arctic and alpine communities under climate change: using genomics to leverage long-term datasets in Silene acaulis |
Emerson, Joanne | University of California at Davis | Scaling wetland viral impacts on methane cycling from single cells to ecosystems |
Hudson, Matthew | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | A reference level pangenome of soybean founder lines |
Keller, Megan | University of New Mexico | Potential carbon-degrading genes of saprotrophic compared to ectomycorrhizal fungi in a boreal forest may inform assessments of carbon cycling |
Kelliher, Julia | Los Alamos National Laboratory | Elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying the novel phenomenon of fungal internalization of plant- and algal-derived chloroplasts |
Kouvelis, Vassili | University of Athens | Deciphering the genetic and metabolic plasticity of endophytic entomopathogens and fungicolous fungi of the order Hypocreales |
Kuehn, Seppe | University of Chicago | Understanding denitrifying soil microbiome response to environmental change |
Mengiste, Tesfaye | Purdue University | Sorghum anthracnose genomics and elucidation of virulence genes |
Schwartz, Egbert | Northern Arizona University | High temporal resolution of transcripts and metabolites to analyze rapid responses of soil microbial communities to C and N addition |
Shulman, Hannah | University of Tennessee at Knoxville | Impact of climate change on the plant-microbe N cycling network across time and space in montane ecosystems |
Stone, Bram | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | The role of microbial predation and cooperation on soil carbon turnover and sequestration measured through multi-omics networks |
Voriskova, Jana | Czech Academy of Sciences | Response of soil microbial communities to changing climate in Arctic tundra |

From left to right: [above] Olivia Ahern, Adriana Corales, Hugh Cross, Megan DeMarche, Joanne Emerson, Matthew Hudson, Megan Keller and Julia Kelliher; [below] Vassili Kouvelis, Seppe Kuehn, Tesfaye Mengiste, Egbert Schwartz, Hannah Schulman, Bram Stone and Jana Voriskovaa
The JGI is excited to announce the fifteen scientists selected for our 2024 Community Science Program Annual Call.
“It’s exciting to see the diverse portfolio of successful CSP proposals this year,” noted Tanja Woyke, who heads JGI’s User Programs. “These PIs have proposed research that addresses various important scientific questions relevant to the DOE’s mission, and I look forward to seeing their outcomes.”
The annual CSP call is focused on large-scale genomic science projects relevant to the DOE’s Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) missions in: sustainable biofuel and bioproducts production, global carbon and nutrient cycling, and biogeochemistry.
You can learn more about this call, as well as smaller-scale calls including our New Investigator and Functional Genomics calls, here on our website.
See below for the full list of 2024 CSP Annual Call awardees.