Large Direct Repeats Flank Genomic Rearrangements between a New Clinical Isolate of Francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis A1 and Schu S4
Genomic properties of Marine Group A bacteria indicate a role in the marine sulfur cycle
Physiological and genomic evidence of cysteine degradation and aerobic hydrogen sulfide production in freshwater bacteria
New Family of Tungstate-Responsive Transcriptional Regulators in Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria
Expanding the genomic encyclopedia of Actinobacteria with 824 isolate reference genomes
Cryptic inoviruses revealed as pervasive in bacteria and archaea across Earth’s biomes
Geochemistry and Mixing Drive the Spatial Distribution of Free-Living Archaea and Bacteria in Yellowstone Lake
Chapter One Structural, Mechanistic and Genomic Insights into OCP-Mediated Photoprotection
An Enzyme Family that Helped Shape Nitrogen Metabolism on Our Planet
Fishing for Novel Cellulose Degraders
Finding the Fermenters
Busting the Unbreakable Lignin