Complete Genome Sequence of a thermotolerant sporogenic lactic acid bacterium, Bacillus coagulans strain 36D1
Complete genome sequence of Mesorhizobium ciceri bv. biserrulae type strain (WSM1271T)
Genome Sequences of 42 Bacteria Isolated from Sorghum bicolor Roots
DNA Sequence Analysis of an Inversion Hot Spot in Lobeliaceae Plastomes
Complete genome sequence of Brachyspira murdochii type strain (56-150T)
Complete Genome Sequence of Methanosphaerula palustris E1-9CT, a Hydrogenotrophic Methanogen Isolated from a Minerotrophic Fen Peatland
Genome sequence of the phylogenetically isolated spirochete Leptonema illini type strain (3055T)
Community ecology across bacteria, archaea and microbial eukaryotes in the sediment and seawater of coastal Puerto Nuevo, Baja California
Complete genome sequence of Kangiella koreensis type strain (SW-125T)
Draft Genome Sequence of Yokenella regensburgei Strain WCD67, Isolated from the Boxelder Bug
Chromosome assembled and annotated genome sequence of Aspergillus flavus NRRL 3357
Complete genome sequence of the facultatively anaerobic, appendaged bacterium Muricauda ruestringensis type strain (B1T)