Taxonomic distribution of metabolic functions in bacteria associated with Trichodesmium consortia.
Subsurface hydrocarbon degradation strategies in low- and high-sulfate coal seam communities identified with activity-based metagenomics
EcoFABs: advancing microbiome science through standardized fabricated ecosystems
Microbial Community Structure and Functional Potential Along a Hypersaline Gradient
Spatial Homogeneity of Bacterial Communities Associated with the Surface Mucus Layer of the Reef-Building Coral Acropora palmata
Streamlining the Design-to-Build Transition with Build-Optimization Software Tools
Targeted Discovery of Glycoside Hydrolases from a Switchgrass-Adapted Compost Community
A versatile toolkit for high throughput functional genomics with Trichoderma reesei
Microbiome composition modulates secondary metabolism in a multispecies bacterial community
A detailed gene expression study of the Miscanthusgenus reveals changes in the transcriptome associated with the rejuvenation of spring rhizomes
Expansion of Thaumarchaeota habitat range is correlated with horizontal transfer of ATPase operons
Does time matter? Intraspecific diversity of ribosomal RNA genes in lineages of the allopolyploid model grass Brachypodium hybridum with different evolutionary ages