Mapping the microbiome milieu
JGIota: A Biofuel Breakthrough in Anaerobic Fungi with Michelle O'Malley and Tom Lankiewicz
Analysis of Brachypodium genomes with genome-wide optical maps
A generalist–specialist trade-off between switchgrass cytotypes impacts climate adaptation and geographic range
Natural soil microbiome variation affects spring foliar phenology with consequences for plant productivity and climate‐driven range shifts
Genomic characterization of three marine fungi, including Emericellopsis atlantica sp. nov. with signatures of a generalist lifestyle and marine biomass degradation
The standard operating procedure of the DOE-JGI Metagenome Annotation Pipeline (MAP v.4)
Identification and characterization of functional centromeres of the common bean
Identification of 2‑Hydroxyacyl-CoA Synthases with High Acyloin Condensation Activity for Orthogonal One-Carbon Bioconversion
Fine Mapping of the Bsr1 Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus Resistance Gene in the Model Grass Brachypodium distachyon
Horizontal gene transfer of the Mer operon is associated with large effects on the transcriptome and increased tolerance to mercury in nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Draft genome of five Cupriavidus plantarum strains: agave, maize and sorghum plant-associated bacteria with resistance to metals