Microbiome Computational Resource Lead
IMG Group

Dr. I-Min A. Chen received her Ph.D. in Computer Science. Her research has been focused on semantic and object-oriented data modeling, and biological data management. She was one of the co-authors and key developers of the Object-Protocol Model (OPM) data management tools for scientific applications developed at Berkeley Lab. Dr. Chen is currently the Microbiome Computational Resource Lead at the JGI, responsible for the data management infrastructure of the Integrated Microbial Genomes (IMG) family of systems. Before joining LBNL in 2006, she was Director of Application Development Systems at Gene Logic, Inc. from 1997 to 2005, responsible for the development of key components of Gene Logic’s flagship Genesis data management platforms for gene expression data, one of the most successful data management systems of their kind, deployed to tens of pharmaceutical and biotech companies.