Metabolic versatility of the nitrite-oxidizing bacterium Nitrospira marina and its proteomic response to oxygen-limited conditions
Chapter Five The Sphagnum Genome Project A New Model for Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics
Combating a Global Threat to a Clonal Crop: Banana Black Sigatoka Pathogen Pseudocercospora fijiensis (Synonym Mycosphaerella fijiensis) Genomes Reveal Clues for Disease Control
Coevolution of the Ess1-CTD axis in polar fungi suggests a role for phase separation in cold tolerance
Variation in Adult Plant Phenotypes and Partitioning among Seed and Stem-Borne Roots across Brachypodium distachyon Accessions to Exploit in Breeding Cereals for Well-Watered and Drought Environments
Biogenesis of a Bacterial Organelle: The Carboxysome Assembly Pathway
The YNP Metagenome Project: Environmental Parameters Responsible for Microbial Distribution in the Yellowstone Geothermal Ecosystem
End-to-end automated microfluidic platform for synthetic biology: from design to functional analysis
Characterization of a Planctomycetal Organelle: a Novel Bacterial Microcompartment for the Aerobic Degradation of Plant Saccharides
A single-cell genomics pipeline for environmental microbial eukaryotes
Coupling High-Throughput and Targeted Screening for Identification of Nonobvious Metabolic Engineering Targets
Construction and comparison of three reference‐quality genome assemblies for soybean