Discovery of enzymes for toluene synthesis from anoxic microbial communities
16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Sequencing Data from Flooded Rice Paddy Mesocosms Treated with Different Silicon-Rich Soil Amendments
Genomic sequencing of single microbial cells from environmental samples
Isolation, Characterization, and Pathogenicity of Two Pseudomonas syringae Pathovars from Populus trichocarpa Seeds
Trace metal contents of autotrophic flagellates from contrasting open‐ocean ecosystems
Diverse events have transferred genes for edible seaweed digestion from marine to human gut bacteria
The standard operating procedure of the DOE-JGI Microbial Genome Annotation Pipeline (MGAP v.4)
Novel Insights into the Diversity of Catabolic Metabolism from Ten Haloarchaeal Genomes
Sequencing of Genomes from Environmental Single Cells
Self-Buffering system for Cost-Effective production of lactic acid from glucose and xylose using Acid-Tolerant Issatchenkia orientalis
Draft Genome of Pseudomonas sp. Strain 11/12A, Isolated from Lake Washington Sediment
The “Most Wanted” Taxa from the Human Microbiome for Whole Genome Sequencing