Chapter Twelve Genomics for Key Players in the N Cycle From Guinea Pigs to the Next Frontier
Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacterial and Archaeal Type Strains, Phase III: the genomes of soil and plant-associated and newly described type strains
Mitovirus and Mitochondrial Coding Sequences from Basal Fungus Entomophthora muscae
Microbial drivers of methane emissions from unrestored industrial salt ponds
Transcriptomic atlas of mushroom development reveals conserved genes behind complex multicellularity in fungi
Genome Sequence of Verrucomicrobium sp. Strain GAS474, a Novel Bacterium Isolated from Soil
Genomic determination of breeding systems and trans-specific evolution of HD MAT genes in suilloid fungi.
Phylogenetic and Functional Analysis of Metagenome Sequence from High-Temperature Archaeal Habitats Demonstrate Linkages between Metabolic Potential and Geochemistry
Metagenomic insights into the taxonomy, function, and dysbiosis of prokaryotic communities in octocorals
High-quality genome of the basidiomycete yeast Dioszegia hungarica PDD-24b-2 isolated from cloud water
Genome Sequence of Streptomyces viridosporus Strain T7A ATCC 39115, a Lignin-Degrading Actinomycete
Cold adaptive traits revealed by comparative genomic analysis of the eurypsychrophile Rhodococcus sp. JG3 isolated from high elevation McMurdo Dry Valley permafrost, Antarctica