Microbiome engineering for sustainable agriculture: using synthetic biology to enhance nitrogen metabolism in plant-associated microbes
Seasonal Dynamics of Core Fungi in the Switchgrass Phyllosphere, and Co-Occurrence with Leaf Bacteria
Pathway discovery and engineering for cleavage of a β-1 lignin-derived biaryl compound
Combating a Global Threat to a Clonal Crop: Banana Black Sigatoka Pathogen Pseudocercospora fijiensis (Synonym Mycosphaerella fijiensis) Genomes Reveal Clues for Disease Control
Genomic basis for the unique phenotype of the alkaliphilic purple nonsulfur bacterium Rhodobaca bogoriensis
Occurrence and expression of genes encoding methyl-compound production in rumen bacteria
Quantitative trait loci for cell wall composition traits measured using near-infrared spectroscopy in the model C4 perennial grass Panicum hallii
ClaMS: A Classifier for Metagenomic Sequences
Protocol for condition-dependent metabolite yield prediction using the TRIMER pipeline
DRAM for distilling microbial metabolism to automate the curation of microbiome function
The Metagenome of an Anaerobic Microbial Community Decomposing Poplar Wood Chips
Potential for Chemolithoautotrophy Among Ubiquitous Bacteria Lineages in the Dark Ocean