Near-Complete Genome Sequence of Thalassospira sp. Strain KO164 Isolated from a Lignin-Enriched Marine Sediment Microcosm
Complete genome sequence of Thermomonospora curvata type strain (B9T)
Genome sequence of Phaeobacter daeponensis type strain (DSM 23529T), a facultatively anaerobic bacterium isolated from marine sediment, and emendation of Phaeobacter daeponensis
Complete genome sequence of Sulfurospirillum deleyianum type strain (5175T)
Complete genome sequence of the aquatic bacterium Runella slithyformis type strain (LSU 4T)
Complete genome sequence of Methanoculleus marisnigri Romesser et al. 1981 type strain JR1
Genome sequence of the exopolysaccharide-producing Salipiger mucosus type strain (DSM 16094T), a moderately halophilic member of the Roseobacter clade
Complete genome sequence of Ferroglobus placidus AEDII12DO
Minimum information about a marker gene sequence (MIMARKS) and minimum information about any (x) sequence (MIxS) specifications
Complete Genome Sequence of Thermoanaerobacterium sp. Strain RBIITD, a Butyrate- and Butanol-Producing Thermophile
Draft Genome Sequences of Gammaproteobacterial Methanotrophs Isolated from Lake Washington Sediment
Genome sequence of Burkholderia mimosarum strain LMG 23256T, a Mimosa pigra microsymbiont from Anso, Taiwan