Cultivating the Bacterial Microbiota of Populus Roots
Examining the Relationship Between the Testate Amoeba Hyalosphenia papilio (Arcellinida, Amoebozoa) and its Associated Intracellular Microalgae Using Molecular and Microscopic Methods
Conserved unique peptide patterns (CUPP) online platform 2.0: implementation of +1000 JGI fungal genomes.
Getting back to the grass roots: harnessing specialized metabolites for improved crop stress resilience
Pre-Cambrian roots of novel Antarctic cryptoendolithic bacterial lineages
The Mutualist Laccaria bicolor Expresses a Core Gene Regulon During the Colonization of Diverse Host Plants and a Variable Regulon to Counteract Host-Specific Defenses.
Arabidopsis Root Microbiome Microfluidic (ARMM) Device for Imaging Bacterial Colonization and Morphogenesis of Arabidopsis Roots
JGI Portals
Tracking the roots of cellulase hyperproduction by the fungus Trichoderma reesei using massively parallel DNA sequencing
A New Nomenclature of Xenopus laevis Chromosomes Based on the Phylogenetic Relationship to Silurana/Xenopus tropicalis
New Research Sheds Light on Diversity in the Deep Sea
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