Fungal diversity notes 253–366: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa
Metagenomic Discovery of Biomass-Degrading Genes and Genomes from Cow Rumen
Toward Understanding Phage:Host Interactions in the Rumen; Complete Genome Sequences of Lytic Phages Infecting Rumen Bacteria
Predicting the chemical space of fungal polyketides by phylogeny-based bioinformatics analysis of polyketide synthase-nonribosomal peptide synthetase and its modification enzymes
Fungal & Algal Program
Fungal & Algal Program User Advisory Committee
Gut Fungi: Unexpected Source of Novel Chemicals
Triggering Morel Fruiting
Toward More Efficient Artificial Photosynthesis
10 From JGI on the 2019 Highly Cited Researchers List
Olpidium, The Key to the Origin of Terrestrial Fungi
Introducing New Members of the JGI User Executive Committee