Dr. Grigoriev joined the DOE Joint Genome Institute in 2003, following his postdoctoral training at UC Berkeley and work in the pharmaceutical industry. He holds joint appointments as Fungal and Algal Program Head at the DOE Joint Genome Institute, a Senior Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and an Adjunct Professor of Plant and Microbial Biology at University of California, Berkeley. He contributed to the Human Genome Project and led annotation and analysis of diverse eukaryotic genomes, from protists to plants. In 2009, he launched the JGI Fungal Genomics program which resulted in over 2500 fungal genomes in the JGI MycoCosm portal. In 2018, he launched scale-up of algal genomics and PhycoCosm portal. Dr. Grigoriev engaged thousands of researchers in genome projects and organized numerous genomics workshops.

Igor Grigoriev is the Fungal & Algal Science Program Head at the JGI. Click to learn more about the program's areas of focus, major initiatives and more.