Dealing with Drought: Uncovering Sorghum’s Secrets
An Enzyme Family that Helped Shape Nitrogen Metabolism on Our Planet
Making a Lichen Together
JGI@25: Building a Better Bean
JGI@25: Using Team Science to Build Communities Around Data
JGI Hosts GPU Hackathon in May
JGI Scientists Pen Genome Watch Articles
Supercharging SIP in the Fungal Hyphosphere
Inspiring STEM Careers Through a Hands-on Everglades Microbiome Study
How Much Do rRNA Gene Surveys Underestimate Extant Bacterial Diversity?
Major changes in microbial diversity and community composition across gut sections of a juvenile Panchlora cockroach
Divergent methyl-coenzyme M reductase genes in a deep-subseafloor Archaeoglobi