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JGI@25: Using Team Science to Build Communities Around Data
A Collaboration to Improve Plant Genome Annotations Across Species
10 From JGI on the 2019 Highly Cited Researchers List
Getting to the Bottom of Fungal Functions Across Earth’s Forests
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How to Submit Sequencing Samples
Graduate Students Get Thesis Research Opportunity at the JGI
High phenotypic and genotypic plasticity among strains of the mushroom-forming fungus Schizophyllum commune
The Transcription Factor Roc1 Is a Key Regulator of Cellulose Degradation in the Wood-Decaying Mushroom Schizophyllum commune
Genome sequence of the model mushroom Schizophyllum commune
The Sphagnome Project: enabling ecological and evolutionary insights through a genus‐level sequencing project