The JGI has a strong interest in seeing that the data produced by the facility result in scientific publications. JGI users and collaborators have the right to produce manuscripts for publication and the responsibility for leading the efforts to do so, and JGI expects acknowledgment (see Auspice Statement below) for the generation of sequence or metabolomic data, DNA synthesized, and any other contributions, such as assembly, analysis, annotation, verification, creation of genome browsers, etc.
The users, collaborators and JGI together aim to publish the first analysis of data produced at the facility, provided this is done in a timely fashion. The publications resulting from such efforts should specify the collaborative nature of the project, and authorship is expected to include all those contributing significantly to the work.
The JGI has significant experience and capabilities in the analysis, annotation, comparative analysis, and interpretation of sequence, metabolomics, and functional genomics data types as well as in advanced assembly and engineering strategies for DNA synthesis applications. If JGI personnel contribute substantially to data generation and analysis or DNA synthesis and engineering work in a way that goes beyond the deliverables for JGI standard products and/or make substantial intellectual contributions to the production of a manuscript, it is best practice to credit those individuals as authors on the publication for their contributions. Authorship arrangements should reflect the respective contributions of collaborators and users. For example if, by agreement with the collaborator, JGI staff take a lead role in the analysis, planning, writing, and editing of the manuscript, it is best practice for those individuals to appear as first and/or senior authors of the paper.
Auspice Statements
Including appropriate tracking numbers is critical to facilitating the tracking of publications and allowing connections between all systems to maximize the impact of user research. The crucial elements are
- proposal Award DOI(s),
- JGI’s ROR ID number,
- DOE contract numbers
Please include the appropriate Auspice Statement in any external publications, and include proposal Award DOIs following the guidelines below.
Policy Downloads
Read this publication policy in full, including all auspice statements.
Read more about our data management practices and the resources we provide.
Read about our policy on research data and analysis products produced through all user projects accepted FY22 and later.
Read about our policy on research data and analysis products produced through all user projects accepted before FY22.