Complete genome sequence of Aminobacterium colombiense type strain (ALA-1T)
Complete genome sequence of Thauera aminoaromatica strain MZ1T
Genome Sequence of Thermofilum pendens Reveals an Exceptional Loss of Biosynthetic Pathways without Genome Reduction▿ †
Draft genome sequence of the cellulolytic endophyte Chitinophaga costaii A37T2T
Complete genome sequence of Thermanaerovibrio acidaminovorans type strain (Su883T)
Complete genome sequence of the gliding, heparinolytic Pedobacter saltans type strain (113T)
The Complete Genome Sequence of Cupriavidus metallidurans Strain CH34, a Master Survivalist in Harsh and Anthropogenic Environments
Genome Sequence of Streptomyces griseus Strain XylebKG-1, an Ambrosia Beetle-Associated Actinomycete
Complete genome sequence of Methanospirillum hungatei type strain JF1
Complete genome sequence of Kytococcus sedentarius type strain (541T)
Methylome and Complete Genome Sequence of Parageobacillus toebii DSM 14590T, a Thermophilic Bacterium
Genome sequence of the Lotus corniculatus microsymbiont Mesorhizobium loti strain R88B