SPRUCE-ing Up Science
JGI-Enabled Research Demonstrates the Existence of New Methane-Makers
When “The Blob” Made It Hotter Under the Water
Crops as Tough as World Cup Turf
Computationally Classifying Fungal Lifestyles
From Berkeley to Binghamton: Tracking Strawberry Evolution
Evolution of a Fungal Gene Expression Regulator
A Better Way to Find RNA Virus Needles in the Proverbial Database Haystacks
JGI@25: Mapping Switchgrass Traits with Common Gardens
JGI Contributes Eight to 2023 Highly Cited Researchers list
Host population diversity as a driver of viral infection cycle in wild populations of green sulfur bacteria with long standing virus-host interactions
Geochemistry and Mixing Drive the Spatial Distribution of Free-Living Archaea and Bacteria in Yellowstone Lake