Ancient polymorphisms contribute to genome-wide variation by long-term balancing selection and divergent sorting in Boechera stricta
Draft genome sequences of Butyrivibrio hungatei DSM 14810 (JK 615T) and Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens DSM 3071 (D1T).
Multitrait genome‐wide association analysis of Populus trichocarpa identifies key polymorphisms controlling morphological and physiological traits
Linking secondary metabolites to gene clusters through genome sequencing of six diverse Aspergillus species
Biosynthesis of Haloterpenoids in Red Algae via Microbial-like Type I Terpene Synthases
Genome Streamlining, Proteorhodopsin, and Organic Nitrogen Metabolism in Freshwater Nitrifiers
Integrating biogeochemistry with multiomic sequence information in a model oxygen minimum zone
The genome of Laccaria bicolor provides insights into mycorrhizal symbiosis
The genome of the soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) reveals complex patterns of duplications involved in the evolution of parasitism genes
Patterns of pan‐genome occupancy and gene coexpression under water‐deficit in Brachypodium distachyon
Adapted laboratory evolution of Thermotoga sp. strain RQ7 under carbon starvation
The genome and variation of Bacillus anthracis