a series of three headshots
From left: Sneha Couvillion, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Chris Schadt, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Lizzy Wilbanks, University of California, Santa Barbara


Each year, the JGI accepts proposals for state-of-the-art functional genomics research from potential users who need help translating genomic information into biological function. Through our CSP Functional Genomics call, we look for projects that will leverage the JGI’s DNA synthesis and omics capabilities to enhance understanding of gene and genome function. 

Below find a list of the six researchers accepted for 2023. Proposals are accepted year-round; the next deadline is Jan. 29, 2024. 

NameAffiliationProposal Title
Booth, ThomTechnical University of Denmark (Denmark)DAP-sequencing for Plant-Streptomyces interactions
Castrillo, GabrielUniversity of Nottingham (UK)Metabolic barriers controlling root microbiota
Li, HanUniversity of California, IrvineEnabling scalable redox reactions in biomanufacturing
Marchand, Jorge A.University of WashingtonFunction beyond Nature: Discovery of xenonucleotide kinases for emerging synthetic biology applications
Özdemir, EmreTechnical University of Denmark (Denmark)Enabling design and development of platform Streptomyces strains for bioproduction through transcription factor mapping
Wong, Fong TianA*STAR: Agency for Science, Technology and Research (Singapore)New characterization and engineering of bacterial transcriptional activation domains for metabolite regulation
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