Diverse ecophysiological adaptations of subsurface Thaumarchaeota in floodplain sediments revealed through genome-resolved metagenomics
Genome-wide characterization of methylguanosine-capped and polyadenylated small RNAs in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae
Optofluidic Raman-activated cell sorting for targeted genome retrieval or cultivation of microbial cells with specific functions
The Roseibium album (Labrenzia alba) Genome Possesses Multiple Symbiosis Factors Possibly Underpinning Host-Microbe Relationships in the Marine Benthos
The leucine-rich repeats in allelic barley MLA immune receptors define specificity towards sequence-unrelated powdery mildew avirulence effectors with a predicted common RNase-like fold
Genome evolution in the allotetraploid frog Xenopus laevis
Dynamic genome evolution in a model fern
Chapter Five The Sphagnum Genome Project A New Model for Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics
A near complete snapshot of the Zea mays seedling transcriptome revealed from ultra-deep sequencing
The complete iodine and nitrogen nuclear electric quadrupole coupling tensors for fluoroiodoacetonitrile determined by chirped pulse Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy
A chromosome-scale genome assembly and dense genetic map for Xenopus tropicalis
Genome of the Epsilonproteobacterial Chemolithoautotroph Sulfurimonas denitrificans▿ †