Bacterial endosymbionts influence host sexuality and reveal reproductive genes of early divergent fungi
The Genome Sequence of Methanohalophilus mahii SLPT Reveals Differences in the Energy Metabolism among Members of the Methanosarcinaceae Inhabiting Freshwater and Saline Environments
High-Quality Draft Genome Sequence of Fischerella thermalis JSC-11, a Siderophilic Cyanobacterium with Bioremediation Potential
Genomic Analysis of Caldithrix abyssi, the Thermophilic Anaerobic Bacterium of the Novel Bacterial Phylum Calditrichaeota
Genome Sequences of Industrially Relevant Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strain M3707, Isolated from a Sample of Distillers Yeast and Four Haploid Derivatives
On Single-Cell Enzyme Assays in Marine Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemistry
The genome sequence of the psychrophilic archaeon, Methanococcoides burtonii: the role of genome evolution in cold adaptation
Visualizing in situ translational activity for identifying and sorting slow-growing archaeal−bacterial consortia
Cave Thiovulum (Candidatus Thiovulum stygium) differs metabolically and genomically from marine species
Complete genome sequence of Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413
Draft genome sequence of the cellulolytic endophyte Chitinophaga costaii A37T2T
High-throughput SNP discovery through deep resequencing of a reduced representation library to anchor and orient scaffolds in the soybean whole genome sequence