Whisperings from not so silent mutations
QTL Mapping for Pest and Disease Resistance in Cassava and Coincidence of Some QTL with Introgression Regions Derived from Manihot glaziovii
Genome Sequence of Kosmotoga olearia Strain TBF 19.5.1, a Thermophilic Bacterium with a Wide Growth Temperature Range, Isolated from the Troll B Oil Platform in the North Sea
The genomic standards consortium: bringing standards to life for microbial ecology
MetaBAT, an efficient tool for accurately reconstructing single genomes from complex microbial communities
Metagenome-assembled genomes from microbiomes fermenting dairy coproducts.
Architecture of thermal adaptation in an Exiguobacterium sibiricum strain isolated from 3 million year old permafrost: A genome and transcriptome approach
High-quality permanent draft genome sequence of Rhizobium sullae strain WSM1592; a Hedysarum coronarium microsymbiont from Sassari, Italy
Rice SNP-seek database update: new SNPs, indels, and queries
Targeted in situ metatranscriptomics for selected taxa from mesophilic and thermophilic biogas plants
Hymenobacter caeli sp. nov., an airborne bacterium isolated from King George Island, Antarctica.
Paenibacillus aquistagni sp. nov., isolated from an artificial lake accumulating industrial wastewater