Genetic dissection of natural variation in oilseed traits of camelina by whole‐genome resequencing and QTL mapping
Genome-reconstruction for eukaryotes from complex natural microbial communities
Genome Analysis of a Verrucomicrobial Endosymbiont With a Tiny Genome Discovered in an Antarctic Lake
The high-quality draft genome of peach (Prunus persica) identifies unique patterns of genetic diversity, domestication and genome evolution
Genome Calligrapher: A Web Tool for Refactoring Bacterial Genome Sequences for de Novo DNA Synthesis
The genome sequence of the psychrophilic archaeon, Methanococcoides burtonii: the role of genome evolution in cold adaptation
Novel heavy metal resistance gene clusters are present in the genome of Cupriavidus neocaledonicus STM 6070, a new species of Mimosa pudica microsymbiont isolated from heavy-metal-rich mining site soil
The genome portal of the Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute: 2014 updates
Transposable Elements versus the Fungal Genome: Impact on Whole-Genome Architecture and Transcriptional Profiles
Genome-wide selective sweeps and gene-specific sweeps in natural bacterial populations
The Arabidopsis lyrata genome sequence and the basis of rapid genome size change
Draft Genome Sequence of Bordetella sp. Strain FB-8, Isolated from a Former Uranium Mining Area in Germany