Genomic Comparison of Two Family-Level Groups of the Uncultivated NAG1 Archaeal Lineage from Chemically and Geographically Disparate Hot Springs
Role of diversity-generating retroelements for regulatory pathway tuning in cyanobacteria
Hybridization History and Repetitive Element Content in the Genome of a Homoploid Hybrid, Yucca gloriosa (Asparagaceae)
Genome sequence of the Leisingera aquimarina type strain (DSM 24565T), a member of the marine Roseobacter clade rich in extrachromosomal elements
Ice cover extent drives phytoplankton and bacterial community structure in a large north‐temperate lake: implications for a warming climate
Complete genome sequence of Arcobacter nitrofigilis type strain (CIT)
Giant virus biology and diversity in the era of genome-resolved metagenomics
Providing biological context for GWAS results using eQTL regulatory and co‐expression networks in Populus
Diverse and unconventional methanogens, methanotrophs, and methylotrophs in metagenome-assembled genomes from subsurface sediments of the Slate River floodplain, Crested Butte, CO, USA.
Deep‐sea bacteria enriched by oil and dispersant from the Deepwater Horizon spill
An improved genome of the model marine alga Ostreococcus tauri unfolds by assessing Illumina de novo assemblies
p-Nitrophenyl esters provide new insights and applications for the thiolase enzyme OleA