Fungus Fuels Tree Growth
JGI Accepts 17 Proposals for Community Science Program
An Age of CRAGE: Advances in Rapidly Engineering Non-model Bacteria
Dealing with Drought: Uncovering Sorghum’s Secrets
New Vision, New Mission, New Plan: JGI’s Next Five Years
Taking Stock of the Known and Unknown Microbial Space
Tanja Woyke Elected to American Academy of Microbiology
Microbiome engineering for sustainable agriculture: using synthetic biology to enhance nitrogen metabolism in plant-associated microbes
Multiple Maize Reference Genomes Impact the Identification of Variants by Genome‐Wide Association Study in a Diverse Inbred Panel
Genomic diversifications of five Gossypium allopolyploid species and their impact on cotton improvement
Rare earth element alcohol dehydrogenases widely occur among globally distributed, numerically abundant and environmentally important microbes
Ecological Assembly Processes Are Coordinated between Bacterial and Viral Communities in Fractured Shale Ecosystems