Single-Cell Genomics Reveals Hundreds of Coexisting Subpopulations in Wild Prochlorococcus
Single-cell genomics for the masses
A single-cell Arabidopsis root atlas reveals developmental trajectories in wild-type and cell identity mutants
Ecology and evolution of viruses infecting uncultivated SUP05 bacteria as revealed by single-cell- and meta-genomics
Effects of sample treatments on genome recovery via single-cell genomics
Regulation of Cell-to-Cell Communication and Cell Wall Integrity by a Network of MAP Kinase Pathways and Transcription Factors in Neurospora crassa
Comparative single-cell genomics reveals potential ecological niches for the freshwater acI Actinobacteria lineage
Cultivating Symbiotic Antarctic Microbes
Interdisciplinary delegation from the University of Duisburg-Essen explores collaborative opportunities with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Notes on the Microbial Diversity of Puerto Nuevo’s Coastline
How Filamentous Fungi Sense Food
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