Comparative proteomic profiles of the marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium erythraeum IMS101 under different nitrogen regimes
Metagenomic insights into the taxonomy, function, and dysbiosis of prokaryotic communities in octocorals
Genome of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus provides insight into the oldest plant symbiosis
Functional genomics gives new insights into the ectomycorrhizal degradation of chitin
Genome sequencing provides insight into the reproductive biology, nutritional mode and ploidy of the fern pathogen Mixia osmundae
The genome of Syntrophomonas wolfei: new insights into syntrophic metabolism and biohydrogen production
Genomics and Transcriptomics Analyses of the Oil-Accumulating Basidiomycete Yeast Trichosporon oleaginosus: Insights into Substrate Utilization and Alternative Evolutionary Trajectories of Fungal Mating Systems
Comparative Transcriptomics between Synechococcus PCC 7942 and Synechocystis PCC 6803 Provide Insights into Mechanisms of Stress Acclimation
Structural insights into bifunctional thaumarchaeal crotonyl-CoA hydratase and 3-hydroxypropionyl-CoA dehydratase from Nitrosopumilus maritimus
Comparative transcriptomics provides insights into molecular mechanisms of zinc tolerance in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Suillus luteus
Rapid Quantification of Mutant Fitness in Diverse Bacteria by Sequencing Randomly Bar-Coded Transposons
Horizontal transfer of carbohydrate metabolism genes into ectomycorrhizal Amanita