Engagement Webinar: How to Successfully Apply for a CSP Proposal
Shattering Expectations: Novel Seed Dispersal Gene Found in Green Millet
JGI@25: The Human Genome Project, or the JGI’s Origin Story
Microbial Genomics & Metagenomics (MGM) Workshop
Jane Grimwood Named HudsonAlpha Genomics Chair
JGI@25: Tracking & Subduing the Plague of California’s Oak Woodlands
JGI on the 2021 Highly Cited Researchers List
JGI@25: Cow Rumen and the Early Days of Metagenomics
Access to Rock Star Scientists
JGI@25: Expanding Metagenomics to Capture Viral Diversity
Interdisciplinary delegation from the University of Duisburg-Essen explores collaborative opportunities with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
JGI Announces 2023 Community Science Program Awardees