Party in the Rhizosphere
A Plantiful Future: Xiaohan Yang
An Age of CRAGE: Advances in Rapidly Engineering Non-model Bacteria
An Integrated Dataset to Understand Ecosystem Interaction
Ancient Algae Reveal Secrets of Plant Evolution
Forming Scientific Connections and Building Community
Supercharging SIP in the Fungal Hyphosphere
Sequencing Sphagnum Leads to Discovery of Sex Chromosomes
A Complex Confection Decoded: Sugarcane Reference Genome
Expression of a mammalian RNA demethylase increases flower number and floral stem branching in Arabidopsis thaliana
Plant compartment and genetic variation drive microbiome composition in switchgrass roots
CreA-mediated repression of gene expression occurs at low monosaccharide levels during fungal plant biomass conversion in a time and substrate dependent manner