Genome sequence of the model rice variety KitaakeX
Functional and genomic diversity of methylotrophic Rhodocyclaceae: description of Methyloversatilis discipulorum sp. nov.
Genome Sequence of Polycyclovorans algicola Strain TG408, an Obligate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-Degrading Bacterium Associated with Marine Eukaryotic Phytoplankton
Complete genome sequence of the thermophilic sulfur-reducer Desulfurobacterium thermolithotrophum type strain (BSAT) from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent
The Physcomitrella Genome Reveals Evolutionary Insights into the Conquest of Land by Plants
Genome of Paspalum vaginatum and the role of trehalose mediated autophagy in increasing maize biomass
Activity-based, genome-resolved metagenomics uncovers key populations and pathways involved in subsurface conversions of coal to methane
The genome of the polar eukaryotic microalga Coccomyxa subellipsoidea reveals traits of cold adaptation
Construction of high resolution genetic linkage maps to improve the soybean genome sequence assembly Glyma1.01
Comparison of soil biosolarization with mesophilic and thermophilic solid digestates on soil microbial quantity and diversity
Genome sequence of the clover-nodulating Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii strain SRDI943
gRNA-SeqRET: a universal tool for targeted and genome-scale gRNA design and sequence extraction for prokaryotes and eukaryotes