Getting back to the grass roots: harnessing specialized metabolites for improved crop stress resilience
Multiomics in the central Arctic Ocean for benchmarking biodiversity change
iPHoP: An integrated machine learning framework to maximize host prediction for metagenome-derived viruses of archaea and bacteria
Genomic Expansion of Domain Archaea Highlights Roles for Organisms from New Phyla in Anaerobic Carbon Cycling
Genomic Analysis of Aspergillus Section Terrei Reveals a High Potential in Secondary Metabolite Production and Plant Biomass Degradation
Remarkably coherent population structure for a dominant Antarctic Chlorobium species
Insight Into the Molecular Mechanisms for Microcystin Biodegradation in Lake Erie and Lake Taihu
Optimized CRISPR Interference System for Investigating Pseudomonas alloputida Genes Involved in Rhizosphere Microbiome Assembly
Roadmap for Accelerated Domestication of an Emerging Perennial Grain Crop
Bioenergy sorghum nodal root bud development: morphometric, transcriptomic and gene regulatory network analysis
Complete genome sequence of Enterobacter sp. IIT-BT 08: A potential microbial strain for high rate hydrogen production
Enzymatic Adaptation of Podospora anserina to Different Plant Biomass Provides Leads to Optimized Commercial Enzyme Cocktails